Embrace Change or Die: My Thoughts on Cloud, AWS, and Transformation in my 8th Year at re:Invent

If anyone in tech has the right to use the word “transformation,” it’s Amazon Web Services. Now a $36 billion company with total profits of $8.8 billion over the last…

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Where Did the Old Guys of Tech Disappear to?

By Petar Marinkovic, CTO, IOD
Even though TV has been deemed “bad” for us, I still follow a lot of sports and watch a couple of TV shows here and there. In my defense, though, I don’t binge watch, and I don’t have an active Netflix or Amazon Prime subscription. Being an IT geek, techie, call it whatever you want, it wouldn’t make sense if I didn’t tune into a show that was related to the Internet, gadgets, cloud, or any IT-related topic, right?
Relax, though, this isn’t another blog post trying to convince you to watch “Black Mirror” or “The Handmaid’s Tale.” I’m actually trying to lure you into a much deeper conversation. Just be patient.

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To My Adult Daughters, From a Woman in Tech

By Tina Ornstein, IOD Senior Editor
Several years ago, I had the privilege of hearing the author Amos Oz talk about his book Tale of Love and Darkness. Published in 2002, the book is an intensely personal chronicle of his childhood in Jerusalem on the cusp of Israel’s independence, and his rebellion during his teenage and early adult years against the mores of his Eastern European parents by transforming himself into the quintessential sabra.
He shared that he wrote the book primarily for himself, to help him work through the complexities of his relationship with his parents, and for his children and grandchildren. He was genuinely surprised when the book became a worldwide best seller, translated into close to 30 languages. This led him to the insight that there is nothing more universal than the personal. (more…)

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Geek Health: How-to De-Stress Your Workplace

computer-nerd.jpgHere at IOD (I am OnDemand), we spend a hefty amount of time sitting in front of the computer learning about the latest and greatest updates in the world of cloud computing and turning that knowledge into valuable content. It goes without saying that, along with the rest of the world of IT, we spend most of our days sitting for prolonged periods of time in postures that threaten our health and well being. Personally, as a registered yoga instructor (RYT 200), I find it extremely difficult to sit for long periods of time and always make sure to keep my blood pumping, joints happy and stress levels low, one way or another, when working on the computer. In respect to the wealth of knowledge out there regarding the dangers associated with prolonged sitting and the specific ailments linked to countless hours on the computer, I thought I’d share a few tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a computer geek.


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Staying Ahead of the Game with Virtual Offices

Cloud content ideationWith virtual companies on the rise, and an increasing amount of organizations that hire employees to work remotely, the term “meeting” has started to evolve. For numerous advantageous reasons, face-to-face meetings are often substituted with virtual alternatives and are becoming particularly more relevant in the cloud industry. Whether you’re a new startup that doesn’t yet have the funds for a physical office, or a stable company that’s finding it increasingly challenging to ensure that all of your meetings’ attendees are located in the same time zone, you may have encountered issues with how to brainstorm effectively. As a result, virtual brainstorming is rapidly becoming a contemporary method that is important to master in order to ensure that you and your team not only keep up, but stay ahead of the game.

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