What Do Top Cloud Experts Predict to Explode in 2018?
After attending his 6th AWS re:Invent 2017 last month, cloud evangelist and founder of IOD Ofir Nachmani made the claim that AWS is still the only serious cloud player. What…
After attending his 6th AWS re:Invent 2017 last month, cloud evangelist and founder of IOD Ofir Nachmani made the claim that AWS is still the only serious cloud player. What…
By Ofir Nachmani, CEO, IOD
It’s beautiful here in Vegas. It always is.
But headed into my sixth AWS re:Invent, I have to admit, I wasn’t convinced the event was going to be as spectacular as the scenery. Sure 43,000 attendees is impressive — the number grows every year. And yes, Amazon has a reputation for surprising us with announcements of new innovations. But, after working with AWS since 2008 and writing thousands of articles about the cloud giant, as well as those seeking to compete with them, I wasn’t sure anything they would introduce would be showstopping for me.
As an Israeli feminist blogger and online activist, I have been fortunate to come across and engage with empowering women over the years. But this is the first time in…
By Ofer Prossner, VP, Operations, IOD
November is here, and the word on everyone’s lips in our nice little-but-getting-bigger-every-day industry community this month is AWS re:Invent 2017. Of course, IOD will be represented at re:Invent, but as the IOD management team member based in Europe, I have to say it’s quite the schlep getting from Berlin to Vegas.
By Jen Maidenberg, VP, Editorial, IOD
In the time since I started a varied career that has always included some element of writing, the definition of “editor” has never been consistent. It changes depending on the publication or company I am working for, and has dramatically altered over the last 15 years as “features” have become “blogs” have become “content.”
By Ofir Nachmani, Founder and CEO, IOD
Look: Upwork can be quite useful if you have a very specific, well-defined project. But for content creation, Upwork failed me—big time.
I came to this conclusion via personal, hands-on experience. About a year ago, I invested huge efforts to use several Upwork freelancers to create some in-depth articles for a database-related brand. Although I managed to squeeze out two articles, it cost me thousands of dollars and endless hours of my time.
By Jen Maidenberg, VP Editorial, IOD
One of the things I really love about working at IOD is our philosophy of transparency. Everything we do – including our communications with customers about the content we create – is honest and forthcoming. This works especially well for me. Why? Because I don’t have to pretend I know more about cloud or DevOps or cybersecurity than I actually do. In another setting, I might feel self-conscious about that. But at IOD, I don’t.
What I am an expert in is storytelling, editing, and messaging. I’m also really good at identifying and nurturing talent. I’m a bit modest off the page (another truth about me) so I won’t list all my credentials in those areas. But suffice it to say, Ofir, our founder and CEO, hired me because of my background in publishing, content marketing, and branding. Also I love getting to know and talking to new people. This is something I have to do often at IOD, as we’re always recruiting new freelancers to our team.