Hey Journalist! You’re More In-Demand Than You Think

By Ofer Prossner, VP, Operations, IOD
Hi. My name is Ofer, and I might still be a journalist.
I guess that statement requires some explanation. Here’s the background: In college, I studied film and TV with a focus in script writing, and by a stroke of luck and a dose of Israeli chutzpah, I got into journalism. (Okay, so if you want to know the details, someone wrote an op-ed about my favorite sports team and I wrote an – ahem – “highly opinionated” talkback in response. The editor of the paper contacted me and asked me if I wanted to write for them.)
The money in print journalism wasn’t that good when I got there (if it was ever good). To top things off, the newspaper group I worked for was constantly shaking things up, reinventing formats and coming up with plans for how to stop the inevitable fate of print news becoming obsolete as online news consumption became more widespread.

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Beware: Some Writers Are Really Bad Editors

By Jen Maidenberg, VP, Editorial, IOD
In the time since I started a varied career that has always included some element of writing, the definition of “editor” has never been consistent. It changes depending on the publication or company I am working for, and has dramatically altered over the last 15 years as “features” have become “blogs” have become “content.”

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I Won’t Be Going Back to Upwork for Content

By Ofir Nachmani, Founder and CEO, IOD
Look: Upwork can be quite useful if you have a very specific, well-defined project. But for content creation, Upwork failed me—big time.
I came to this conclusion via personal, hands-on experience. About a year ago, I invested huge efforts to use several Upwork freelancers to create some in-depth articles for a database-related brand. Although I managed to squeeze out two articles, it cost me thousands of dollars and endless hours of my time.

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