Cloud Marketer, You Don’t Have a Clue!

quality contentWhat is the point of hiring a marketer? By definition, a marketer is supposed to possess the ability to market the goods or services provided by a company to the appropriate target markets. In reality, however, this definition is often times expanded to entail a larger quantity of tasks, which unfortunately is not proportionate to quality.


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3 Reasons Why (Posting) Once a Week is Not Enough!

Editorial calendar

Finding that magic number of relevant blog posts needed to keep your cloud-minded audience engaged and craving more can be trickier than you think. One thing’s for sure, though, posting once a week is not enough! While cloud companies may be up to their eyeballs in new developments and performance maintenance, here are three reasons why creating content needs to be at the top of every hi-tech and cloud company’s to-do list.


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