OpenStack: A Community Torn Apart – Freedland, Bias and Scoble

The OpenStack Battle - taken from Freedland Presentation
The OpenStack Battle – taken from Freedland’s Presentation

Last month, I attended the OpenStack summit in Tel Aviv.  This was yet another great event brought to us by the brilliant Gigaspaces team (especially @shar1z) headed by one of the most important cloud evangelists in Israel and the world, @natishalom.

OpenStack aims to provide the ubiquitous open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds. Wikipedia


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The Inevitable Cloud Outage: 5 Key Essentials to Safe Guard Your Application

A while back, I was starting up an EC2 instance on the AWS cloud when it entered an endless restart loop. All the application deployment efforts we’d made (installation and service configuration) over two weeks just went down the drain. So we called support. The support rep redirected us to his team leader who simply told us that, as indicated in the SLA, we had to abide by the shared responsibility model and they were not liable for our loss.

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