How to Stay Human (While You Freelance)

It’s almost a year since I told Ofir Nachmani, CEO of IOD (and my boss), that I would be moving from Israel to the U.S. the following month. At that point, I had been working full-time for the company only for a short time.

To request from Ofir what I did — “Can I take this job to the U.S.?” — would likely be considered brazen and absurd at most other companies after half a year of employment, even in this digital age of remote work. But Ofir hardly missed a beat when he replied, “We’re a company of freelancers, how could I say, ‘no?’”

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It’s Impossible to Succeed on Talent Alone

By Ofer Prossner
VP, Operations, IOD
Let me tell you about something I like even more than my job as VP, Operations at IOD: Football (some of you might know it as “soccer”).
I reside in Berlin, where the biggest football team is FC Bayern Munich, who this week fired their coach, famed Italian Carlo Ancelotti.
Football is a big business, and not many teams are bigger than the Bavarian Giants, who have countless stars, numerous fans, and a packed trophy room. Some would say that a team of such talented players does not need a coach to guide it. And perhaps this is so since although Ancelotti won the German championship four months ago, he’s now out.

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