Japan aftermath: Dangers of cloud disruption

Amazon AWS: Ten days before the earthquake, AWS launched its fifth “region” in Tokyo, making it the second data center hub in Asia Pacific (APAC) after Singapore. Regina Tan, spokeswoman of Amazon AWS said, ”The Amazon Web Services Tokyo Region was not affected by the earthquake or tsunami last week. AWS publishes our most up-to-the-minute information on service availability at our Service Health Dashboard on our website which constantly keeps our customers (and anyone who is interested) up-to-date on AWS’ services across our five Regions including the Tokyo Region.” Read more

Google: According to a Google spokesperson, “Google’s networking and data center infrastructures have not been materially affected by the [Japan] earthquake. Read more

Equinix: “Our two data centers in Tokyo are operating as normal and are running from power from the grid. There is no facility damage or operational impact since the earthquake happened,” said Samuel Lee, president of Equinix Asia Pacific. Read more

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